A Favorite Post

Thursday, March 22, 2012

White Horse Beach, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

An uncommon sight - incoming waves are only a couple inches in height, languidly lapping the sand as if on a summer's day. (Is it possible to insert "languidly lapping" into normal daily conversation? - I think not unless one is wearing an ascot, smoking a meerschaum pipe, and/or in a Ponty Python skit.)

A lone gull who I presume is looking for something to eat since that is what gulls do almost all the time.

White Horse Beach is not just beach - there are still quiet, unpaved lanes nearby. Here a stand of cypress trees casts a long shadow in the afternoon sun.

   And this small cottage at the end of a sandy lane awaits some fortunate owner's return.


  1. Next time your near the small cottage at the end of the sandy lane stop in for some refreshment, we enjoy having company. Dick

  2. My wife and I will do that sometime!

  3. I lived in Manomet MA for 30 years and now live in Little Rock, Arkansas. I was missing the ocean this morning and found one of your great pictures to put as the background on my computer. Thanks for sharing all those great pictures

    1. Happy to do so - there are many former Manometians scattered around the world who read this blog also.
