A Favorite Post

Friday, March 23, 2012

Center Hill Preserve, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

The Town of Plymouth participates in the state's Community Preservation Act and through that participation over the past decade has acquired almost 850 acres of public land for the use of all. About 90 of those acres are at the Center Hill Preserve in southern Plymouth near Ellisville. Follow this link to see a map. 
Although not without controversy surrounding the small tax to pay for it, communities that participate are securing a long term benefit for their citizens by ensuring natural spaces in perpetuity.  I'm glad I live in a town that values public nature preserves as an important quality of life.

Fresh water Center Hill Pond in the foreground with Cape Cod Bay in the background.

I don't know who did it or how but, this is not a trick or a fake - that top rock is barely touching the one underneath yet remained balanced. It is not attached - I removed it and placed it back just to see - it seemed so impossible to stay balanced.

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