A Favorite Post

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Turkey Crossing, Carver, Massachusetts, USA

What did it take to get a turkey crossing sign made and installed along this road?  Was it a sad tale of woe for someone who impacted a flock at high speed with bad results?  Was it relentless requests from citizens who finally wore down the resistance of reluctant town officials?  Over the course of many years, how often do turkeys actually cross here?  I wonder how many different animals have their own signs?  Just off the top of my head I recall seeing Moose, Deer, Armadillo, Turtle, Cattle, and Horse crossing signs.  Guess I'd better start a life list.......

I never thought turkeys were very smart until I recently saw the television special on the PBS series "Nature."  You can find the show here: "My Life as a Turkey."  It's a strongly compelling and extraordinarily moving story.  Cinematically it is equally beautiful. One can debate the rightness or wrongness of imprinting animals on humans but nonetheless, it is quite a show.

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