A Favorite Post

Monday, December 12, 2011

Ellisville Harbor State Park - Late Autumn, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

Ellisville Harbor is a beautiful coastal property which includes beachfront, salt marsh, rolling meadows, red pine forest, barrier beach, sphagnum bog, forested upland and open meadows. It breathes the steady beat of time as the tide fills and then empties the marshland.

Looking out over the salt marsh toward a steel gray Cape Cod Bay.

Low tide in the marsh.

This sign seems to state the obvious in a most intrusive and unattractive way.  Why must a sign look so tacky? Why must we spoil a natural view with such ugliness? Is it the response to a sad and tragic accident that occurred here or, some bureaucrat or attorney fearing liability or, simple lack of mindfulness?

This looks to me like a domesticated dog behaving wildly and happily off his leash......

......and a harbor seal relaxing ......

....and a starkness that hints of a cold winter, soon to arrive.


  1. I love it there. A bit rocky, but it's a great little spot. Missing home a bit now, Joe....

    1. Glad to give you a trip down memory lane.
