A Favorite Post

Monday, December 5, 2011

Front Doors, White Horse Beach, Massachusetts, USA

What does the front door entrance to a house say about its occupants? 

The first house below, for example, has an unrestricted access.  It has nothing in the yard - no bushes, shrubs, fences, benches, trellises, gewgaws, doodads, bikes nor toys - nothing. It is completely exposed and open to a casual observer. Starkly bare.

The next house below, on the other hand, is directly across the street.  The shrubs completely obscure the front door and entrance point. Can't see in, can't see out. It seems to suggest to a casual observer: keep out, go away, don't come near.

Do these two neighbors know each other? do they speak often to each other? perhaps they are living a longstanding feud? are their respective personalities reflected in the different styles?  Both of these houses are less than a quarter mile from the beach.  When they go to the beach do they bring an umbrella or tent or towel or chair? do they even go to the beach at all?  Are these cottages their vacation homes or primary residences?  When they invite new people over how do they describe how to recognize their houses?

People are very different.

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