A Favorite Post

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Moving Day, Medford, Massachusetts, USA

Moving from one's current home to another home is often a challenging event - it is one of those times in life to exercise active and conscious control to purposefully effect a major change - invigorating, exciting, scary, full of promise about a new life ahead.......but already wistful for the one left behind.

 We had planned the move for months but, you never know what the day will actually bring until it arrives. We were very lucky - it was a glorious day to move - sunny, cool, a light Fall breeze, a happy, willing, and positive crew of strong, professional movers who arrived on time and worked hard.

Not a very big truck was required since Amy had done such a good job in thinning out "the stuff." There are many great charities in the area looking for used stuff - repair, reuse, recycle. (By the way, if you've never heard the late comic George Carlin's stand-up routine about "stuff,"  you might enjoy it).

Fifteen years is the longest time either of us has lived in the same location.  The clock starts again tomorrow......

Many hours were counted sitting on that chair (not to mention the many uplanned naps) - the chair stays with the house for the new owners - they have two young children - hopefully they'll get to hear and see a lot of books sitting on their Daddy's lap reading.......

Many disparage the dust bunny but, he has always been welcome in our home with us.  As illustrated above, this particular dust bunny is hereby acknowledged for standing guard and protecting a long-lost earring that had been hiding under a dresser for 15 years.  Such vigilance and attention to duty is commendable.

The truck packed, we headed 50-miles south to a new life in White Horse Beach, a village in the town of Plymouth, Massachusetts.

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