A Favorite Post

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Harvard Square, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA

In addition to being the center of the intellectual universe (as some believe anyway), Harvard Square regularly hosts quite an array of eccentric, unusual, homeless, or beautiful people - never a dull moment at the edge of the Harvard University campus.  Here is a sampling:

An eccentric one-man band. (Audio clip at the end of this post).
An unusual wispy beard.

An unusual look - and not just the beard.

A homeless man and his homeless leashed dog on the sidewalk in front of a bank.

Since I've covered eccentric, unusual, and homeless people- she must be the beautiful one.

Oh yeah, Happy 375th Birthday to Harvard.

Music from the one-man band.

1 comment:

  1. Hello,

    My name is Michael Foster and I'm a freelance writer. I've just been given a commission to write a piece on retirement for bankrate.com. The article will profile four people, one of which I'd like to be you. This involves me doing a 200 word profile on you with very basic information--how you retired, how much you live on, what your lifestyle is.

    Benefits to you: I can link to your blog, getting you much more traffic. Bankrate.com is a huge site, as you may know.

    Cons: They want a picture of you. I've asked them if they'll accept a picture of your house or some kind of "representative" picture, and they said they'd really prefer a picture of you. If a face pic is absolutely out of the question, I'd still need some other picture from you.

    If you're interested, please let me know.

    Best wishes,
