A Favorite Post

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Milo the Cat, Manomet, Massachusetts, USA

Milo sometimes likes to be held and, sometimes, he doesn't like to be held.  What a surprise, right?  How cat-like.  However, sometimes he expresses his pleasure at being held or, his displeasure at not being held by biting his favorite nearby human - ankles, arms, hands, fingers, whatever body part is within immediate reach.  Sometimes he even throws in a razor sharp claw or two to make it more fun for him. It keeps his life interesting I guess.  After today's bite, I had to counsel him sternly for his behavior. 

He was resting peacefully with a high level of cuteness.......

....when I grabbed him by the scruff of the neck........

.... he listened attentively as I berated him for his behavior.......

.....then, after demonstrating the appropriate level of remorse, I forgave him.  I sure showed him who is boss...... bet he won't bite me again for at least an hour or two........

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