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Saturday, September 17, 2011

The American Revolution, Lexington, Massachusetts, USA

If you are from the United States and haven't seen this statue or a picture of this statue ever before in your life then you haven't been paying attention.  This statue of a minuteman was erected in 1899 on the Battle Green in Lexington, Massachusetts to commemorate the contribution and sacrifice.  The Minutemen of that era were citizen-soldiers ready to takes up arms against the British in the fight for freedom and independence.  It was here that the "shot heard 'round the world" was fired on April 19, 1775, to begin the American Revolution.

Now considered hallowed ground, the Battle Green was unremarkable to the local citizens until President Grant and others descended upon the Green to commemorate the Centennial in 1875.  The turmoil of 100,000 people got the townsfolk's attention.  After that experience, preservation efforts proceeded for the Green and adjacent properties.

This is downtown Lexington of today.  It is one of the wealthier suburbs of Boston, with the median residential selling price at $764,000 (source Zillow.com).  The streets are not made of gold but many of the business marquees sure look like gold.......... 

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