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Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Anti-vaxers vs. Vaxers, Boston Common, Boston, Massachusetts, USA

I didn't know prior to this visit to Boston about the protest and counter-protest, by vaxers and anti-vaxers, that I would encounter.  

Each group had stuff:

This group - flags.

This group - musical instruments.

This group - bicycles.

This group - riot shields.

This group - billy clubs and zip-tie handcuffs. 

This man's tactic seemed to be to taunt the police. I'm not sure what that had to do with vaxing or not.

Back in my day 50+ years ago, tear gas and beatings were common - not so today.

I guess a good time was had by all..........It was a beautiful fall day in Boston and I was glad to be outside and alive to enjoy it.

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