A Favorite Post

Monday, October 18, 2021

Out and About, White Horse Beach, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

It's one of those magical mid-October beach days - clear skies, temperature mid-70's, a light breeze, low tide, gentle surf. Who knows, it might be the last one until April. At this time time of year, it's hard to guess which will be the last summer-like day - one day it turns cold and summer's over.

There was a wide, sandy, uncrowded, uncluttered beach at low tide.

A lone kayaker cruising just beyond the gentle breakers.

This person was doing laps on his own personal sandbar.

I think that even the gulls were enjoying the day, lazily flying by, landing gear still dangling.

Others were content riding and bobbing on the gentle waves.

Many were just hanging out - like the humans - now if they just had little beach chairs shaped to fit their little round bodies........

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