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Saturday, October 9, 2021

Out and About - Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

Individual stalks of goldenrod and fields of it adorn much of the area this time of year. Tidmarsh Wildlife Sanctuary, Manomet.

Early fall but still comfortable and many folks out enjoying it. White Horse Beach, Manomet.

She was surprised to see me through the window glass but, didn't run away quickly as she usually does. Manomet.

It's a special talent that a musical artist can command the stage alone with just a guitar - no singing, no other accompaniment. Spire Center for Performing Arts, Plymouth.

The fawn has lost its spots but, still has those white lower legs - and is now almost as big as mom. Manomet.

Fall amber waves. Tidmarsh Wildlife Sanctuary. Manomet.

After a frontal passage, a chilly, howling north wind kept many from enjoying the beach on this day. Manomet.

I was eating my own dinner by a window when the local Red-shouldered Hawk flew in nearby with his freshly caught squirrel dinner. What a visual! Manomet.