A Favorite Post

Sunday, October 31, 2021

Out and About, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

I enjoyed the way the light fell in this moment - me at White Horse Beach in shadow, and distant Priscilla Beach in full sunlight.

Walking the dog......

It's a beautiful world out there.

Saturday, October 30, 2021

Out and About, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

A local version of amber waves of grain - fall grasses wave in the breeze at Tidmarsh Wildlife Sanctuary.

The leaves continue the color-show into fall.

A typical mid-fall afternoon at White Horse Beach - sit in a chair and turn away from the ocean and face the warming afternoon sun, the crashing of waves behind you - pretty close to bliss - sign me up.

Friday, October 29, 2021

Out and About, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

Signs of fall are more difficult to detect at the beach: a lack of people is one of them. White Horse Beach.

It's a great time of the year to take a walk in the woods. Tidmarsh Wildlife Sanctuary.

Not too cold, not too hot, and lots of color in the trees.

Monday, October 25, 2021

Out and About, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

I find myself returning on successive days to the same places to view the subtle and not so subtle changes in fall color. This image is an all-time favorite location. Chiltonville, a village of Plymouth.

Mass Audubon's Tidmarsh Wildlife Sanctuary. Manomet.

A clump of birch. Tidmarsh. Manomet.

Tidmarsh. Manomet.

Tidmarsh. Manomet.

Old Sandwich Road. Pinehills.

Friday, October 22, 2021

Out and About, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

Much of Manomet is paved roads nowadays but, there are still a few narrow, unpaved remaining like this one that harkens back to yesteryear. If you come around the bend and encounter another vehicle, someone has to back-up - it's not wide enough to pass. I like that - keeps my backing-up skills sharp. Manomet.

Lots of people-walkers and dog-walkers out for the midday low tides. White Horse Beach.

Long afternoon shadows on Burial Hill. Plymouth.

It only took a few days of relentless machine noise to clear-cut this former untouched habitat to make room for two new homes. In the olden days with axe and saw, it would have taken weeks and weeks. Progress?  Depends on whether you're the owner or a neighbor.  Manomet.

Bending birch. Manomet.

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Maple Lane, Brookwood Community Farm, Milton, Massachusetts, USA

I was too early in the season to catch the peak of the maples along this lane at Brookwood Community Farm in Milton.

But, there were a few patches of fall color.

Better luck next time or next year........

Monday, October 18, 2021

Out and About, White Horse Beach, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

It's one of those magical mid-October beach days - clear skies, temperature mid-70's, a light breeze, low tide, gentle surf. Who knows, it might be the last one until April. At this time time of year, it's hard to guess which will be the last summer-like day - one day it turns cold and summer's over.

There was a wide, sandy, uncrowded, uncluttered beach at low tide.

A lone kayaker cruising just beyond the gentle breakers.

This person was doing laps on his own personal sandbar.

I think that even the gulls were enjoying the day, lazily flying by, landing gear still dangling.

Others were content riding and bobbing on the gentle waves.

Many were just hanging out - like the humans - now if they just had little beach chairs shaped to fit their little round bodies........

Saturday, October 16, 2021

Tidmarsh Wildlife Sanctuary, Mass Audubon, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

The 450-acre Audubon Sanctuary in Manomet shows it's fall color palette.

A long and winding road. The property was once a working cranberry farm with multiple bogs to harvest.

Mostly still green but there are patches of color.

Any season, a nice place to go for a walk in nature. In spite of the news suggesting otherwise, it's a beautiful world in which we live.

Thursday, October 14, 2021

"The Addams Family," Priscilla Beach Theatre (PBT), Priscilla Beach, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

I had not been able to previously capture these scenes during the dress/technical final rehearsals at Priscilla Beach Theatre, so here they are during a live performance (with the owner's permission) from the back of the theatre. The results are a little bit grainy since I was so far away using a zoom lens but, you can still get the idea. I always enjoy these fog/smoke effects.

I also published two full posts from the dress/tech rehearsals that you can view at the following links:

I made this image at a different show but, the sense is the same - a sold-out crowd of happy theatre-goers there to enjoy a live performance at Priscilla Beach Theatre.

And after the New England winter ahead (above image a previous winter), we can look forward to the following lineup of great shows at Priscilla Beach Theatre for the 2022 season:

Ticket sales begin December 1, 2021. Go to pbtheatre.org for more info. Support this neighborhood wonder with your attendance. See you there April 29th, 2022!