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Monday, July 19, 2021

Project Arts - Summer Concert Series, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

It's been a long time since folks could gather at the waterfront Pilgrim Memorial State Park Amphitheatre in downtown Plymouth for the Project Arts - Summer Concert Series. Specifically, the last show was summer of 2019. Normally, each summer Wednesday, for 10 weeks, a free concert is held. The pent-up demand was apparent as many hundreds/thousands of folks settled in for the performance.

A view from the stage toward the audience. A few of the portico columns at Plymouth Rock are peeking through the trees at left.

The headliner act, the "Elovaters," is a Boston-based reggae band originally from nearby Marshfield.

Though it was still mighty hot in the sunlight, folks arrived early to stake out an area for their blanket and/or chairs.

The food trucks parked nearby seemed to be doing a vigorous business with long lines of hungry and thirsty folks. Free music, outdoors, on the waterfront, for ten weeks is a great feature of "America's Hometown" - Plymouth.

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