A Favorite Post

Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Out and About, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

I love this foreboding view as a summer storm approaches White Horse Beach. The water looks silver from the reflections of the storm clouds above. Most folks have already gone home. Soon, the rain will come down hard.

It's been hot - hot enough to sprawl on the cool stone of an empty bird bath and just be still and chill.

The hot weather has brought out the humans to the local beaches.

These folks are actually in the water - the bay temperature is up to the mid-60's this time of year.

A low tide view towards Stage Point. Directly across the water, 20 miles distant (about 75 highway miles), is the tip of the Cape Cod peninsula at Provincetown, Massachusetts.

The fawn is noticeably bigger and receiving some grooming by mom.

This is as good as a pencil mark on a doorframe for height measurement.

The fawn is not too big to depend on mom for some nourishment.

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