A Favorite Post

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Downtown, Boston, Massachusetts, USA


Like big cities everywhere, Boston is loosely divided into designated neighborhoods. This post is from my wandering in or adjacent to the area known as "Downtown."

The tourists and tour guides out in force enjoying the history of Boston is always a good sign. The Old State House in the background was built in 1713 and the small balcony facing us is where the Declaration of Independence was first read to the Boston citizenry in 1776.

The Quincy Market food court is bustling once again. Many purveyors are open again and survived the pandemic.

The outside tables at Quincy Market were full of diners as I passed by mid-day.

A field of wildflowers adorns this section of the Rose Kennedy Greenway.

One of many vendors in the Haymarket area. This market has been ongoing for hundreds of years. I wish I could have shopped here - incredible bargains compared to my home supermarket but, it was too far to carry any purchases to my parked car elsewhere.

A shaded street in the adjacent North End neighborhood.

In the rose garden area of Columbus park.

Leaving Columbus Park and heading back.

Any city that builds public fountains that encourages and make it easy and safe for kids to play in the water gets my vote. This particular fountain squirts random streams and clouds of vapor to delight the young ones - especially on this mid-90's F day.  I did notice the tightly-coiled look of the surrounding parents ready in an instant to swoop in should the need arise - it's been a while since I had that look - but I recognize it.

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