A Favorite Post

Sunday, June 13, 2021

The High Line, Chelsea, Manhattan, New York City, New York, USA

A late afternoon walk along the High Line. Note the property above at right. It is not part of the High Line but, the owners of that building have landscaped their roof to look like the horticulture of the High Line. What's that saying, "imitation is the highest form of flattery."

Though it was in the 90's F earlier, the lowering sun has brought comfortably reduced temperatures for the evening.

The old railroad tracks are mostly obscured in the lush growth of greenery. The obelisk-looking piece is an artwork, one of many along the High Line.

Some sits and some walks.

I don't know what this flower is but, it was mighty big and it was blooming along the path. I stuck my hand in for a size comparison.

Looking up from the High Line, the jutting glass-floored deck is The Edge in Hudson Yards, a tourist spot with expansive views of the city. It competes with Rockefeller center, the Empire State Building, and the World Trade Center for the tall building tourist dollars.

In the "gee-whiz" department, looking over the rail from the High Line I saw this parking lot below. I can't for the life of me figure out how they get the cars up and down. I am sure it is something simple and practical but, that solution escapes me just looking at it statically.

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