A Favorite Post

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Near Union Square, Manhattan, New York City, New York, USA

My purpose in going near Union Square on this day was to buy a book from the iconic Strand Bookstore for my train ride home. The Strand is an establishment that has stood for nearly a hundred years selling books to New Yorkers. Of course, it being a summer-like weekend, the sidewalks were full of people out and about, there was an ongoing demonstration march down Broadway, and the construction workers had torn up the street repairing a pipe. 

But inside the Strand, library-like calm prevailed as readers browsed as they have for decades while outside, other readers were lined up to sell their used books in another part of the building. What a great store - I left with a used paperback from a favorite writer.

The demonstration march had many marchers and a big street/sidewalk audience. They had a permit and a motorcycle police escort, too.

I'm not sure why New York City had to import sewer covers from India but, here is one of many I saw.

I didn't go in. That might have been like an alcoholic going into a liquor store. I do know they sell a chocolate martini among many other things including regular non-chocolate food items.

It's almost 9pm in this image, I'm back at my hotel exhausted and, the temp is still in the 80's. What a day for early June.

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