A Favorite Post

Saturday, June 19, 2021

Central Park, Manhattan, New York City, New York, USA

I thought for my final big outing of this trip before returning home I would stop by Central Park one last time and visit "Strawberry Fields" and the "Bethesda Terrace." Since it was still blistering hot outside, these locations and the subway ride would provide some relief from the direct sun. Photo-wise, I was in luck at both locations. At "Strawberry Fields," someone had left a rose on the inlaid tile medallion and the dappling sunlight made this image and moment even more special.  Add in a busker playing Lennon/McCartney music in the background.

I really like this space in Bethesda Terrace and enjoy visiting it. The light, the architecture, the people. Here, a lone busker plays classical music on his guitar. It has been rare to not find it full of people for an image like this. Truth be told, there are folks sitting on the far wall bench hidden behind the left-most column. Walking towards the light at right leads to......

...this broad stairway where a young woman in silhouette walks through the terrace.

Luck of timing allowed me to see this couple who were having wedding photos made here.

The only thing better than wedding photos would be to capture a dancer in a swirling skirt silhouetted against the bright steps - next time.  Maybe I'll set up a tripod and timer and bring along a swirly skirt.

And with that, I took my final subway ride back to my starting point at 34th Street/ Penn Station. Only a dollar left on my MTA card.

After dinner, the temperature had dropped to the low-80's F so I made one final walk on The High Line.

And that, as they say, is that. Another great trip to an always entertaining and grand world-class city.

The following morning, waiting for my train to depart from the new Penn Station Moynihan Train Hall to home. This view reminds me of a ice skating rink. It's a grand and beautiful space that should last long into the future - much longer than I will - it's a wonderful way to enter New York City - first impressions are powerful - I highly recommend it.

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