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Friday, June 25, 2021

Boston Seaport District, Boston, Massachusetts, USA

This has become one of the iconic views of Boston. When I arrived in Boston about 25 years ago, the Seaport area was almost a wasteland of empty lots and rundown commercial buildings. Anthony's Pier 4 restaurant was the big attraction. Anthony's is long gone now and the area is filled with shops, businesses, condos, apartments, museums, the convention center, the world trade center - it's a vibrant modern community. (The Ben and Jerry's ice cream store even had a few vegan flavors to choose from).

Having spent time in New York City recently, to come back to Boston gives me a good basis for concurrent comparison. I prefer the smaller more manageable Boston area. It's not as overwhelming as New York City for a simple man like me.

The Roseway tall ship is a popular tourist attraction. Shown here coming back in to dock after a harbor cruise.

Now docked, passengers disembark and the crew readies for the next voyage. 

Kayaks at the ready but, not enough customers just yet.

A Boston Tea Party boat gives tourists history lessons. The three boxes floating in the water are simulating the tea thrown overboard during the famous Boston Tea Party in December 1773.

Outdoor vendors and restaurants - folks are flocking to the downtown areas now that pandemic restrictions have been eased state-wide.

One of many park areas found throughout the district.

Heading back to the car park after my visit to the Seaport District, I took a brief detour to again see the current mural in the Rose Kennedy Greenway. It's painted on the back of a vent building for I-93 which runs underground beneath it. The mural changes periodically and is always stunning.


  1. Love taking the Hingham ferry to Long wharf & spending the day in the Seaport area. Tatte’s Bakery not to be missed.
