A Favorite Post

Monday, May 17, 2021

The Brooklyn Bridge, Manhattan, Brooklyn, New York City, New York, USA

I took another trip to visit the Brooklyn Bridge. It's one of those places that I doubt I could visit too many times. It is such a delight to walk across, turn around, and walk back across. There is an endless but unhurried pace to it all regardless whether on foot or bicycle.

Of course, the honking, impatient cars on the lower deck are another story. I have noticed that in general, New York city drivers are quick to honk at the slightest provocation or imagined sleight.

Here's a gritty black and white manipulation of the scene. The bridge opened in May of 1883 - after years of construction beginning in 1869 - imagine that - back in the day when mechanical assists were few - it was the brute strength of thousands of men and the ingenuity of engineers to conceive, design, and execute such an unheard of structure.

While not up to pre-pandemic levels, tourism is slowly making a comeback - the warming spring weather helps.

Near the beginning of the bridge on the Manhattan side, this municipal building towers above - to me it seemed very old world European in design style.

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