A Favorite Post

Monday, May 10, 2021

The Brooklyn Bridge, Manhattan, Brooklyn, New York City, New York, USA

I have always been struck by the iconic views I have seen of the Brooklyn Bridge and I was not disappointed to experience it first-hand on this moody, cloudy day. If fact, it made for a fitting black and white photo treatment. I started on the Manhattan side, walked across to Brooklyn, and then walked back to Manhattan.

These first two views are looking east towards Brooklyn. In the center of the right-of-way, pedestrians and bicycles are hosted, and below and to the left and right are three lanes of vehicle traffic coming into or leaving Manhattan. The center slat decking is wood and feels good underfoot.

This view is on the way back to Manhattan from Brooklyn, the World Trade Center is visible to the left with the tall spire.

The bridge was built in 1875, and there is always maintenance work to be done as the construction scaffold to the left of the arch demonstrates. Chatting up a worker, he said that before the scaffold was constructed, they had to climb up the support cables just like you'd imagine, foot over foot and hand over hand.

There were many folks of my generation out enjoying the walk. And a few younger folks mostly pushing strollers, too.

The big oval mouse ears on the cables prevent unauthorized access to the superstructure for trouble-makers, partiers, or jumpers.

Like much of Manhattan, bikes and pedestrians are shown a surprising amount of respect and priority. What a place - New York, New York. 

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