A Favorite Post

Thursday, May 13, 2021

Out and About, Manhattan, New York City, New York, USA

In Times Square, a Spanish television network was conducting a live broadcast on this particular day.

The Empire State Building towers above even though it's about 30 blocks away in this image.

A random group of musicians jam in Greenwich Village's Washington Square. A city park for 200 years, it's recent fame is after World War 2 when folk-singers, beatniks, hippies, and other counter-culture types often congregate here. The park is ringed with buildings of New York University.

The Moynihan Train Hall at Penn Station just opened in January of 2021. It's a grand and elegant space - a dramatic way to arrive into New York City.

Once again, the Empire State Building lurks above and catches me by surprise while on my daily walk on the High Line in Chelsea.

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