A Favorite Post

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Many Faces of Pond, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

I never realized how dynamic was a simple little pond. It's not a special pond - it's like thousands of similar small bodies of water in this part of the world. Its surface is a painter's canvas......above, snow flurries dance in creative and changing patterns on the icy surface.

Sometimes the changes are made with the human hand (and shovel) or,......

.... nature makes patterns from underground springs of water.

Dusted with snow, a mostly uniform surface is streaked with tree shadows from a low winter sun.

In a warmer season, a windless calm reflects the sky and opposite bank.

Or a summer shower hammers the surface in a rushing downpour.

And before the snow falls again, the leafless stillness of winter prevails.

A silent snowstorm wraps the surrounding area all in white. But when the ice is thick and smooth enough.......

....the neighborhood kids appear as if by magic.  A pond is always an interesting place.


  1. Love it! You are very observant Joe. These pictures make me want to live near a pond.

