A Favorite Post

Thursday, February 4, 2021

A Winter Day, White Horse Beach, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

A view from Manomet Point at low tide. There is no indication just looking that the wind is blowing about 30 mph where I am standing. You can divine that from the whitecaps and the cloud streets but, there is nothing close at hand - no flags, nor clothes on a line, nor a random bush or branch bent.

I knew it would be cold - very cold - I dressed accordingly but, the wind was strong and unrelenting as it sliced into my exposed face and eye sockets. I didn't last long before I headed back home. I even walked backwards some to avoid the brunt of it.


There were a few dog walkers out - of course there were but, not many people otherwise.

Driving home I passed a carpenter on top of the roof of a two-story building addition nailing 4x8 sheets of plywood to the rafters............so life goes on, cold and wind or not.

Why do I go out in it? Because I can - one day I won't be able to.

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