A Favorite Post

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Priscilla Beach Theatre (PBT), Priscilla Beach, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

I don't know about you but, I sure missed not having a season at PBT last year. I hope this pandemic ends soon so they can reopen their doors and stage. It's one of my favorite places on the planet.  And judging by the full houses I have seen at every production in recent years, many others agree. I have seen theatrical productions in New York, Boston, Los Angeles, Washington, and other smaller locations - PBT without question, puts on shows that rival the best I've seen anywhere.

When they reopen, come out and support this local jewel in our community.

I made this photo during a previous production - "Hairspray" during the 2019 season.

This advertisement board lists what was to have been the 2020 performance season but was postponed due to the pandemic.

If you want a trip down memory lane, follow this link to dozens of previous shows on PBT's Barn Stage in recent years.

Here's a great link to more PBT shows: Five Years of PBT!!

When they reopen, plan to come out and support this extraordinary local venue and the staff and fine actors and musicians who have struggled due to the pandemic impacts.

A view from the actor's perspective. This barn has stood for a long time - since 1875 - a theatre since 1937 - a complete renovation in 2013. I can hear the voices and feel the footfalls of generations gone by.  Come back and help celebrate this wondrous performance venue when they reopen. (Co-owner Bob Malone above).


  1. I couldn't agree with you more, Joe. As a retired director of a performing arts center, I really miss live performance. When you're sitting shoulder to shoulder with other audience members, you can really "feel" the performance. Hope we can all get back to attending some live performances soon.
