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Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Out and About, Back Bay, Beacon Hill, Boston, Massachusetts, USA

In the famous words of the wizard Gandalf in the Lord of the Rings movie, "You shall not pass." This was the police line to keep any pedestrians on Park Street away from the Massachusetts State capitol last Sunday in the lead up to the national presidential inauguration this week. 

Same view looking over the barricade with a zoom.

Farther away from the pedestrian barricade, the road was closed with both a police cruiser and wooden sawhorses.

There were Massachusetts State Police, Boston City Police, and Boston Transit Authority Police deployed around the area. Above, a group of State Police hanging out near the capitol building.

Here, a group of Boston City Police also nearby.

More officers at the ready.

Many folks, like this bicyclist, live inside the perimeter and had to come and go through the barricades with police assistance and clearance.

This group of officers was outside the perimeter standing by.

These groups of officers were on side streets also standing by.

Their riot gear was also standing by. Turns out it wasn't needed.

Everyone I saw today remained calm - both the civilians and the police. For my part, I moved slowly, kept my hands out of my pockets, away from my body, with my camera clearly visible. I didn't want it to be mistaken for a weapon or, me mistaken for a threat when I was standing up against the barricades making pictures. With a hat, a mask, and a bulky winter coat on, I didn't exactly look like a harmless old man wandering about like I usually do.

Some of Boston's priciest real estate is right there in the Beacon Hill neighborhood.

This group is inside the secure perimeter in front of the capitol building.

The capitol building was completed in 1798 though enlarged since then.

Meanwhile, from what I could observe, life went on pretty much as normal away from the secured perimeter area. I always enjoy this view of historical juxtaposed with modern.

The bronze ducklings in the Public Garden stayed warm on this winter day.

And dogs along Marlborough Street in the Back Bay neighborhood took their people for a walk.

And life on the Commonwealth Avenue mall seemed normal, too.

As always, it was a nice day to be out and about in Boston though very windy and wintry. I put another 11,000 steps on my step counter. Thanks to all the law enforcement officers on duty today ready to protect our property and institutions. I am glad they weren't needed and that people behaved themselves. Massachusetts is mostly a "blue" state though we do have a penchant for electing "red" governors - go figure.

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