A Favorite Post

Sunday, January 3, 2021

Apology to my Loyal Readers

I have wondered why I didn't receive any comments to my blog posts during the last few years. 

It turns out that I do receive comments - I have hundreds and hundreds of them languishing in internet purgatory!  Apparently, a few years back I either failed to turn something on or failed to turn something off in the blog template formatting and as a result, I have not been aware that comments had been received.

So, I did not intend to appear to be rude or dismissive by not publishing or acknowledging your kind comments.  My apology to you. Hopefully, from this point forward, the problem is fixed.  

I appreciate each and every comment you send to me. (Except the spam).



  1. Ha ha ... well, I've left a few comments over the past few months, but they're nothing anyone would miss. Just keep those great photos coming!

  2. Thanks, Tom. I appreciate your taking the trouble to comment.

  3. Hey Joe, we are right in Priscilla Beach and I have enjoyed your blog for years! Thank you!

    1. Thank you. Priscilla Beach is the best - especially the theatre!

  4. I've sent a couple, I thought they were being published! Oops.

  5. Dear Joe, oh well, these things happen, onward and upward.

  6. Sure is embarrassing though.
