A Favorite Post

Friday, December 11, 2020

Out and About, Downtown, Boston, Massachusetts, USA

At the lagoon in the Public Garden, this Canada Goose was not at all bashful. All the rest of his flock nearby kept their distance from us unpredictable human monsters.

A cobblestone walkway through the Boston Common. And a few weeks earlier.......

.....the same location had looked like this.

And elsewhere on the Boston Common, a timeless slice of life.

This alleyway is somewhere between Post Office Square and the Boston Common.

There was a good turnout of folks on this weekend day. Each of us knows that very soon it will turn cold and stay cold and the beautiful days to hang out in the Public Garden and lounge about will be way fewer until springtime arrives.

And finally, my favorite building reflections along Congress Avenue near Post Office Square.

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