A Favorite Post

Monday, July 13, 2020

Deer, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

I have been noticing the lack of deer. I have only seen this doe as she wanders near the house and I can sneak a peak through a window. I feared the worst case that the winter herd of four had died off down to just this one.

Imagine my delight and surprise the following morning at early light looking across the pond and seeing.........

...not one, not two, but three including a new fawn!

He/she was a bit tentative.

Usually staying close to mama.

I tried to minimize my movement inside the house so I wouldn't startle them.

They were visible for just a few short minutes before disappearing back into the brush. But now I know at least there are three alive and hopefully thriving here in rural suburbia.

They make great reflections when standing in the shallow and still water at the edge.

These images were captured through dirty double-paned glass with a Sony point and shoot model DSC WX-500.  It's got a sensor about the size of my pinkie nail (1/2.3) but it has an equivalent reach of more than 700mm and is adequate for blogging purposes.

1 comment:

  1. Very nice deer photos! We love our deer and hubby puts out a bucket of corn daily for the wildlife that visit our property. We also live in suburbia but have lots of woodsy wildness on our 2 plus acres.
