A Favorite Post

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Birding at the Tip of Long Beach, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

It's a long walk out to the tip of Long Beach in Plymouth. Few houses remain, all of them off the grid, mostly ancestral summer houses with towels hanging on porch railings and beach chairs and toys strewn about the sandy yards and driveways. It's a special place and not easily accessible.

And I got to enjoy it this evening with a bird expert (who happens to be my son).

This gull was not sure if I was friend or foe but kept his distance in either case.

A pleasure boat passes one of the Osprey nests as four young men walk the soft sand on this 75-degree summer evening.

The parent Osprey was not fond of the human presence. You can just detect the rounded head of a chick on the left side of the nest.

The days still last into the evening but, they are growing shorter as summer winds down.

Approximately 1300 birds from 19 different species later, it was time to head back home. A special evening - unseasonably warm - and I got to spend it in the company of my visiting son. Life is good.

1 comment:

  1. I love these so much!! Thanks for posting. I've been following your blog for about a year and you never disappoint!!
