A Favorite Post

Friday, July 31, 2020

Visitors, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

I was enjoying my breakfast on this recent morning, looked up, and there they were across the pond, listening and watching. As if they were statues. (The moment captured with a point and shoot zoom through double-pane glass).

They weren't the only species hanging out - ever watchful - two great blue heron.

Such patient fishermen - waiting for a critter to pass by in the water - and when it does, a lightning fast stab with the beak hoping for a meal.

Later in the day, she came back to pose for me in the beautiful late afternoon light.

And of course, junior wasn't far away. There is still much beauty and wonder in the world - it's not all bad news.

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Birding at the Tip of Long Beach, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

It's a long walk out to the tip of Long Beach in Plymouth. Few houses remain, all of them off the grid, mostly ancestral summer houses with towels hanging on porch railings and beach chairs and toys strewn about the sandy yards and driveways. It's a special place and not easily accessible.

And I got to enjoy it this evening with a bird expert (who happens to be my son).

This gull was not sure if I was friend or foe but kept his distance in either case.

A pleasure boat passes one of the Osprey nests as four young men walk the soft sand on this 75-degree summer evening.

The parent Osprey was not fond of the human presence. You can just detect the rounded head of a chick on the left side of the nest.

The days still last into the evening but, they are growing shorter as summer winds down.

Approximately 1300 birds from 19 different species later, it was time to head back home. A special evening - unseasonably warm - and I got to spend it in the company of my visiting son. Life is good.

Monday, July 27, 2020

A Few Favorite Pictures from "Hairspray," Priscilla Beach Theatre, Priscilla Beach, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

Since the performing arts seasons are all delayed this year due to the pandemic, I thought it would be fun to go through my thousands of images and pick just a few from each production and re-publish them. It was difficult to narrow down the choice to just a few - I picked ones that spoke to me personally - they may or may not be representative of the show or the lead roles - they are just images that warm my heart and bring back fond memories of the production - I am first and foremost, a fan of these performances, my role as a photographer is a distant second.

I hope you enjoy them, too.

As performed at Priscilla Beach Theatre in July 2019. Click on that date to see the original posts. Produced by Bob and Sandy Malone, Directed by Robert W. Schneider, Production Manager Joshua Patino, Music Director Chris Ricci.

Friday, July 24, 2020

Hot and Humid, White Horse Beach, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

It was unseasonably hot and humid on this day with storms brewing to the north of White Horse Beach.

The same was true on the waterfront in downtown Plymouth.

The tide is mostly out.

The storm clouds build but........

....they pass by harmlessly. If it sounds like I'm complaining about the heat - I am not - soon enough, I will be bundled up to keep out the cold and dreaming of these lazy summer days.

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Scituate Lighthouse and Harbor, Scituate, Massachusetts, USA

A big storm was coming so I thought a trip to Scituate Lighthouse and Harbor would make an interesting visit. I was hoping for a dramatic sky to go with the strong winds.

It was hot and humid even under the mostly overcast sky.

Here folks are returning from a sail out at sea.

A paddle boarder with some black and white special effects.

Many boats in the harbor.

Storm clouds roll in over the harbor.

There was a nice touch of color on the parking lot side of the lighthouse whipping around in the wind. Congress voted $4,000 to build it in 1810 and it opened in 1811. The keeper, his wife, and their nine children lived in the attached house.

Monday, July 20, 2020

Cape Cod Canal, Sagamore, Massachusetts, USA

The Sagamore Bridge, one of two vehicular access bridges, links the mainland of southeastern Massachusetts with Cape Cod. Both of these bridges were constructed in the early 1930's. The access road that paralells the canal on both sides provides recreational opportunity and ease of maintenance.

Bicycling is always popular on the seven mile paved path.

And the view on the canal is always changing whether with working boats......

.....or pleasure boats.......

.....or fast boats.

It's a great place to spend some time enjoying one's favored activity at a beautiful location.

Friday, July 17, 2020

Black and White, Boston, Massachusetts, USA

Sometimes I'm in the mood for just black and white photo renderings.

And adding in special effects.

Four men as elements of the iconic view from Fan Pier.

And with special effects.

The Custom House tower with special effects as viewed from the Rose Kennedy Greenway.

This view is underneath the Evelyn Moakley bridge (Seaport Boulevard). Definitely my favorite image from this outing. The diffuse light under the bridge was magical - and the color version looks good, too.

A pen and ink version. Boston always offers a great destination for the photographically inclined.

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Boats, Plymouth Harbor, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

Another perfect summer day at Plymouth Harbor.

Plenty of water in the harbor at this point in the tidal cycle.

Tourists are out enjoying the warm air and beautiful setting.

Cumulus clouds are rolling through on the summer breeze. This is the existing harbormaster building on the town wharf. A new one is about to open next to the nearby boat ramp......

....where boaters and boaters and boaters line up today waiting to access the launch at this prime downtown boat ramp and trailer parking location.

They didn't seem to mind the wait to get out on the water and enjoy the beautiful day.