A Favorite Post

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Out and About, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

It was cold and breezy but, sunny and beautiful on this mid-spring day. I thought it would be more crowded at low tide with folks still under stay-at-home advisories in Massachusetts - this is a good place to walk for many neighbors.

You'll have to take my word for it since the detail is missing but, that gull has just finished swooping down and scarfing up a small crab for his lunch.

Nothing like wandering at low tide on the reverse curve of the earth.

Each and every rock of the thousands on the miles of seawall is tediously placed by the mighty "claw" every year to repair damage sustained in the previous winter storms. It's a never ending battle with mother nature to slow the bluff erosion along this section of coastline.

Many homes sit along the bluff and are dependent upon protection against excessive erosion at the base - in combination with growth/greenery to hold the slope in place.

Returning home I found my regular visitor wandering in the yard - his female friend was not visible at the moment. Not to draw your attention to it but, normally, I think of a similar looking anatomical feature at the base of his neck appearing on a different part of a body. Caruncles, snoods, waddles - those turkeys have some odd-named and appearing parts.

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