A Favorite Post

Friday, March 20, 2020

The End of Winter, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

It's the last day of a winter that never really became a serious winter. But there are other differences.......

...... like the coronavirus sheriff out enforcing social distancing.

Of course, mostly this time of year there aren't many people at the beach anyway.

Though low tide does bring out solitary walkers.

The sand is shiny-wet from the outgoing tide.

And just a hint of spring green can already be seen. Virus or no virus, the cycles of nature continue on.

1 comment:

  1. Your last few words strike a chord with us. We live in Cheshire UK where green is beginning to show in the hedgerows which are predominantly of hawthorn. Our cherry tree, which we planted eight years ago when we moved into this bungalow, is in full bloom.....a glorious shade of pink. But most important of all our hedgehogs are back after hibernating since the third week of November. Their numbers are in steep decline due to loss of habitat.....many of the hedgerows I mentioned earlier have been ripped out over the years to facilitate the use of ever larger farm machinery.....they call it progress....what a joke. Hedgehogs have been driven into a more urban environment in search of food. That is where we come in. We feed Mr Spike and the gang every night from now until the end of November. No need for them to self isolate thank goodness as they give us so much pleasure.
