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Friday, March 6, 2020

Gale Force Winds and Low Tide, White Horse Beach, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

It was another of those magical winter days in Southeastern Massachusetts - blue skies, puffy clouds, unlimited visibility, gale force winds, midday low tide, bright sun driving the temperature up to the high 40's F. Days are getting longer, spring is right around the corner. That's a hard combination to beat anywhere.

The sandy beach is particularly wide this year at low tide. It varies each year by how the storms behaved over the winter - whether they scoured or deposited more or less.

Water temperature is about 40 degrees F - still too cold for most humans - even the dogs stay out.

Winter is not over yet - tonight, a deepening low pressure system is forecast to bring winds sustained above 30 gusting to 60 with snow. We'll see.

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