A Favorite Post

Friday, January 17, 2020

Wind, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

White caps at White Horse Beach. 

 At daybreak, it was calm with a light rain falling, upper 40's F, overcast. By midday, the world was new. The wind ripping at a steady 30 mph with regular gusts to 50 mph, the cumulus sky developed, overdeveloped, and then did it again. The deepening low pressure pulled offshore, the high built in from the west, and the cold air from Canada came to visit. By daybreak, the temp was in the teens.

Tidmarsh Wildlife Sanctuary in Manomet. Blogs and photos can do a lot but, they can't capture the feel and sound of the powerful wind blasting through the area, the constant roaring sound unabated for more than 24 hours and forecast to continue through the day and evening.

Such natural drama - I won't get to enjoy that if I move to Florida and become a snowbird.

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