A Favorite Post

Friday, January 31, 2020

Down By the Water, Plymouth, Hyannis, White Horse Beach, Massachusetts, USA

A hungry gull, Hyannis Harbor, Cape Cod. Not many people out and about on these cold winter days - even with the sun shining.

Empty slips in winter, Hyannis Harbor

Kalmus Beach, Hyannis

White Horse Beach in Plymouth.

Plymouth Harbor at low tide.

Monday, January 27, 2020

Out and About in Winter, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

Low tide at White Horse Beach. It's cold but, at least the sun is shining brightly.

A dusting of snow in the shadow of this low dune.

A well-walked trail in Tidmarsh Wildlife Sanctuary.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Diving for Dinner, White Horse Beach, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

Yes, I know, sometimes I whine about the cold. After today, perhaps I will shut up for a while.

It is about 20 degrees F, the wind is blowing about 15 mph with higher gusts, and the water temp is about 40 degrees F. There are no other humans visible.

This gull is trolling along the surf-line looking for food.

When he sees it, he dives into the water to get it.

When he misses, he climbs back up, resumes his search, and dives again.

And I, when cold, simply go home to my warm space, and, when hungry, reach into my cupboard. I need to stop complaining.........it is, after all, stunningly beautiful here regardless the temperature. And I have hands.

Monday, January 20, 2020

"Scott Sharrard," Spire Center for Performing Arts, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

The Spire Center for Performing Arts welcomed an extraordinary guitarist and musician to its stage: Scott Sharrard. Mr. Sharrard is best known as the lead guitarist and bandleader for the late Gregg Allman.

He was accompanied by a bass guitarist and drummer for this great evening of extraordinary music at the Spire.  He brought a lifetime of refined talent and practice and performance to Plymouth for this magical evening of music with a light snow falling outside the 120+ year old converted church building.

The Spire continues to amaze and impress with the  quality of performers that they book to their stage.  Come out and support live music in Plymouth at this great venue.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Wind, Waves, and Cold, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

Wind and waves and cold for now - 12 degrees F this morning.  It is unusual for wind so strong that it blows the front off the waves like this but, soon.........

.......in just a few months, it will look and feel like this again.

Sometimes it's not so good for people-watching but, the peace and solitude can be nice, too.

Friday, January 17, 2020

Wind, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

White caps at White Horse Beach. 

 At daybreak, it was calm with a light rain falling, upper 40's F, overcast. By midday, the world was new. The wind ripping at a steady 30 mph with regular gusts to 50 mph, the cumulus sky developed, overdeveloped, and then did it again. The deepening low pressure pulled offshore, the high built in from the west, and the cold air from Canada came to visit. By daybreak, the temp was in the teens.

Tidmarsh Wildlife Sanctuary in Manomet. Blogs and photos can do a lot but, they can't capture the feel and sound of the powerful wind blasting through the area, the constant roaring sound unabated for more than 24 hours and forecast to continue through the day and evening.

Such natural drama - I won't get to enjoy that if I move to Florida and become a snowbird.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Summer in Winter, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

It may be the middle of January but, it is 60-70 degrees on this day with gale force winds. Who would have guessed.

New England - if you don't like the weather, wait a few hours. I still have not shoveled ANY snow yet this winter. I don't mind that but, I do miss the breathtaking beauty of a fresh snowfall.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Winter, Boston Common, Boston, Massachusetts, USA

I was in the big city for a meeting and spent a few minutes wandering on the windswept, freezing cold Boston Common, the United State's oldest park.

These townhouses on Beacon Street facing the Common are prime city real estate.

A skater at the Frog Pond. This "cement pond" becomes a skating rink in the winter months.

A conspicuous absence of snow for this time of year.

The statue of Edgar Allen Poe stands watch nearby.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Cold But Not Much Snow, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

Low sun and cold at the National Monument to the Forefathers in Plymouth (built in 1889).

Late afternoon sunshine on the Spire Center for Performing Arts in Plymouth. Plymouth Harbor in the distance.

Late shadows in Chiltonville.

Full moon, low tide, and wintry cold at Manomet Point.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Winterfest, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

We didn't have any snow this year for the Plymouth Winterfest and, it wasn't really very cold but, cold enough for this fine ice sculpture downtown. Here, the artisan is putting on some finishing touches with what I think was an everyday clothes iron as a shaping tool (it's in motion so a bit blurry).

The main street in Plymouth was closed for the thousands of residents to come out and enjoy the festivities - like this fire twirler/eater.

And down the street in front of Town Hall, the smoke machines, laser light show, and music speakers throbbed out a pounding bass line.

The Spire Center for Performing Arts, across the street from Town Hall, was lit brilliantly for the occasion. They had a great show later in the evening by the celtic rock band, "Enter the Haggis," which was wildly popular with the sold-out crowd.

With music blasting, the lasers danced through the smoke in front of Town Hall (for orientation, you can see the three windows of the cupola just left of center above).

A good turnout was enjoyed by all for this year's Winterfest in America's Hometown.

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

The Promise of a New Year, White Horse Beach, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

It's cold but not bitter cold, the wind is blowing hard but not too hard, there are clouds but not too many - almost all things are possible in the new year ahead.

Happy New Year!