A Favorite Post

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Out and About, Fall, Boston, Massachusetts, USA

This is perhaps my final fall trip into Boston before the leaves are down, the colors gone, and winter gray sets in. These golden trees in Post Office Square are still stunning in the early sun - well, actually it's not that early but the sun angle is low in early afternoon. Remember, in just six weeks or so, the days start getting longer again!

This is in the Quincy Market/Faneuil Hall area. I especially enjoy being out and about in Boston on a weekend or holiday. Sure, it's more crowded but, I see many more wide-eyed, smiling tourist faces enchanted by their surroundings than the more rushed, hurrying from place to place looks of locals. Locals seem to be in a hurry - faces down in their smartphones - ear buds in their ears - purpose in their step - engaged in their own private world - tourists seem more interested in what's happening outside their own heads. (Just an opinion, not necessarily accurate).

The Old Custom House tower reaches up into the sky.

Over in the Public Garden, families young and old are posing for pictures around the lagoon beneath the spread wings of stately old trees.

Or walking dogs or sitting on park benches just breathing the cool air.

The bridge over the lagoon in the Public Garden.

A sky that looks like it was painted with purpose.

And heading back through the Boston Common, I pass the Arepas and Lemonade carts. I see arepa carts in many areas in my travels - it makes me wonder if they are all part of an international cabal to supplant the hot dog or sausage cart of yesteryear. Ah, but my mind wanders - as do I.........

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