A Favorite Post

Monday, September 9, 2019

The Slow March, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

"Oooo, oooo, look at me," says the goldenrod as it starts to spread over the fields of southern New England. It is heralding the slow march of summer's peak to the colorful fall ahead.

It starts every so gently, the greens of summer slowly supplanted by the grays and subtle pinks....

....and then small pockets of color begin to appear. Soon, the full explosion of fall will grace us once again - Fall in New England. Get the sweaters from the closet.

A couple days later, more color.....

And a few more days....

And a few more.

All these images are from the nearby Tidmarsh Wildlife Sanctuary on Beaver Dam Road in Manomet, a 481-acre preserve which is part of the 38,000 acres of Massachusetts Audubon protected natural space throughout the state.

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