A Favorite Post

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Critters in the Yard, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

I live at the end of dead-end street next to a small pond that serves as a wildlife magnet.  On this morning, I looked out the window and there was mama deer and her fawn hanging out in the sun-dappled backyard munching on the bushes.

But junior was more interested in meeting and greeting.....

...the other yard visitors. They all call this area home but I'm not sure they had met before today.

Junior just could not contain his/her curiosity about these odd looking creatures.

The turkeys quickly tired of the interaction and went back to pecking the grass for bugs.

And much to the disappointment of the fawn, they calmly turned tail and walked off, clearly no longer interested in visiting.

Mama deer had watched the interaction from a distance with little interest or concern. I guess she knew the turkeys were no real threat to the fawn and peace would reign.

Mama was right - they worked it out. But junior sure did want to play with her new friends. The friends - not so much. Pecking the grass for bugs was more to their liking.

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