A Favorite Post

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

What to Do, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

If you find yourself nearby, how about a visit to the stunning sands of White Horse or Priscilla Beaches. And speaking of Priscilla Beach......

For your indoor entertainment, there is a magnificent theatre, Priscilla Beach Theatre, that has been entertaining folks since 1937. They offer six main productions with top-notch casts each year from May through October for a total of about 60 separate performances.

Their iconic Barn Stage offers comfortable and intimate seating for 240 patrons.

Much of the original wood from the barn built in 1875 still serves as the walls and structure of this historic space. Here's a full house crowd enjoying the recent production of "Hairspray."

And if you'd rather be outside in nature, perhaps wander by one of the many freshwater ponds and catch a glimpse of a local resident red-shouldered hawk like this one I saw through the window at breakfast recently.

Natural or human-made, we have pretty much something for everyone.  A mighty special place this Village of Manomet.

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