A Favorite Post

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Out and About, Boston, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

I had to go into Boston recently for a meeting. It reminded me of my commuting days of two hours each way due to the rainstorm. Nevertheless after arrival, I wandered just a bit and stopped at Poe Square where this stunning statue of Edgar Allen Poe and his Raven grace the walkway for all to enjoy. He was born near here in 1809.

Raindrops streaming down his head. Artist Stefanie Rocknak designed the life-sized statue of the renowned writer.

I ducked into the lobby of the Colonial Theatre for a few minutes to dodge a particularly heavy rain squall.

But the next day, the rain is gone, the sun returns and spring resumes brightly.

From atop the bluff in Manomet, the distant landmass is Stage Point.

A lone fisherman stands in the surf line.

When I was a kid I think my 64-crayon box had all these colors in it.

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