A Favorite Post

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

"Heathers - The Musical," Final Tech/Dress Rehearsals, Part 4 of 4, Priscilla Beach Theatre, Priscilla Beach, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

Priscilla Beach Theatre (PBT) Owners, Guardians and Producers, Bob and Sandy Malone, recently opened their production of "Heathers, the Musical" for an eight performance run on the Barn Stage.

The Barn Stage, a 240-seat venue, is in its 82nd season and is cited as the oldest summer stock barn theatre still operating in America. The original barn was built in 1875. The current owners, Bob and Sandy Malone,  completed a modernization and renovation effort in 2014-15 and also  installed new seats and new state-of-the-art sound and lighting systems at that time. Learn about that effort at this link to my blog posts about that project.

This is Part 4 of a four-part blog post series covering the final two tech/dress rehearsals.

Part 1 is at this link.
Part 2 is at this link.
Part 3 is at this link.

The following images begin where Part 3 left off at the final tech/dress rehearsal and continue in order of occurrence in the production. These images were captured live during a dress rehearsal. Many images are similar since an individual performer may look better in one image than another and some performers will use these images to share with family, friends, and/or, to build their resumes.

(Click on an image for a higher resolution version if your device supports that action).

Note: Many of these images, when viewed on a small screen cellphone, may present over-saturated theatrical colors. More normal views can be achieved when viewed on a larger laptop or desktop screen.

Cast and crew after the final tech/dress rehearsal - they are ready for an audience! (Sorry to end with such a washed-out image but, I just couldn't get the color right without grossly distorting the skin tones - next time.....).

This concludes my blog posts covering the PBT production of "Heathers - the Musical." Next up on the Barn Stage, is "Hairspray." Contact PBT online or by phone at 508-224-4888 for tickets or more info.

We are so fortunate to have such an extraordinary performing arts venue right here in our local community. Your support and attendance is important to keep this resource thriving.

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