A Favorite Post

Sunday, June 2, 2019

"Heathers - The Musical," Final Tech/Dress Rehearsals, Part 2 of 4, Priscilla Beach Theatre, Priscilla Beach, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

Priscilla Beach Theatre (PBT) Owners, Guardians and Producers, Bob and Sandy Malone, recently opened their production of "Heathers, the Musical" for an eight performance run on the Barn Stage.

This is Part 2 of a four-part blog post series covering the final two tech/dress rehearsals.

Part 1 is at this link.
Part 3 is at this link.
Part 4 is at this link.

The following images continue in order of occurrence in the production, picking up where Part 1 left off. These images were captured live during a dress rehearsal. Many images are similar since an individual performer may look better in one image than another and some performers will use these images to share with family, friends, and/or, to build their resumes.

(Click on an image for a higher resolution version if your device supports that action).

Note: Many of these images, when viewed on a small screen cellphone, may present over-saturated theatrical colors. More normal views can be achieved when viewed on a larger laptop or desktop screen.

This concludes the next to last tech/dress rehearsal. Parts 3 and 4 will provide images from the final tech/dress rehearsal.

The following images were posed and created for potential use in the production as part of the rear projection screen set design.

The following images were posed and created for potential use in promotional efforts before the show opened.

Come out and support the live performing arts! Priscilla Beach Theatre under the ownership and leadership of Bob and Sandy Malone is a rare jewel in our community and needs your continued support and attendance to thrive and "shine, shine, shine" (to quote from one of the songs in this show).

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