A Favorite Post

Friday, April 19, 2019

Almost Magnolia Season, Boston, Massachusetts, USA

In my case, it's a function of luck of timing. I try to only go into "the Big City" (Boston) on a weekend day if the weather is suitable for my purpose of wandering around outside. That means, I don't go into Boston very often.

Each spring, I try to time a visit to be coincident with the explosion of blossoms of the magnolias that line Commonwealth and Beacon Avenues in the Back Bay neighborhood.

I was a week or so too early this year......

....since only the faintest hint of the precious pink magnolia blossoms were revealed.

This creative homeowner used running shoes for flower boxes in honor of the Boston Marathon. The blue and yellow flowers are the iconic color scheme of the Marathon.

Of course, I wandered through the Boston Common, the oldest city park space in the United States (in size, about 50 acres/20 hectares) and enjoyed the fine spring day out and about. There are always things to do and people to see representing the full range of humanity.

Soon, the carousel by the Frog Pond will be alive with the joyous shouts of children.  Ah, spring and summer in Boston...........

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