A Favorite Post

Friday, March 1, 2019

Snow, Ice, Moon, Sky and Monsters, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

So here we are at the end of February and the neighborhood kids have yet to be able to skate on the pond this year. The small fringe around the pond is water and the ice just isn't thick enough in addition to being covered with crunchy snow.

On another night around 9pm, the full moon provides the only illumination.

On another day the sun shines brightly but, it is below freezing inside this unheated sunroom and even colder outside in the wind.

Cold, hot, or in between, I like to be reminded of a beautiful sunrise looking towards Stage Point from above Manomet Beach. (Thanks to a generous neighbor for use of this image).

But meanwhile, back on the pond, here's the monster part of this blog post: these odd patterns have been showing up recently on the ice. It looks like maybe the retinas of some monster eyeballs. And they are starting to spread.......

....aargh, the monsters are taking over the pond. Run for your lives! (Or, if you are into science, here's an explanation at this link). Personally, having just finished re-watching the Lord of the Rings trilogy, I prefer the monster explanation.

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