A Favorite Post

Friday, January 18, 2019

Random Scenes, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

It is late at night, it is cold, a bitter wind whistles down the main street of Plymouth. Even under these conditions, "America's Hometown" is still a special place to be.

Walking around the harbor front I was struck by how these tires have no tread but, also no signs of wear. I always thought tire bumpers on boats were just recycled car/truck tires but, after close inspection, I am now inclined to believe they are specialty manufactured for the purpose. Hmmm?

I haven't done a food post in a while so here's one: a vegan pizza with all kinds of yummy plant-based foods. And of course, no animals were harmed, slaughtered, or exploited in the process.

The broccoli sheriff always makes sure I include the green stuff.

And speaking of not exploiting animals, these turkeys wander freely and were partying down in the yard finding good bugs and things to eat since the ground was thawed for a few days. Life is good here in Manomet/Plymouth - even if you are a turkey - if I could just get them to stop pooping on the porch or sidewalk.

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