A Favorite Post

Thursday, January 31, 2019

What a Difference a Day Makes, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

I find it difficult to get oriented looking at this image with the upside down sharp reflection on the water surface of the trees and sky.

But later, same view, the pond is covered with ice and a dusting of snow. It's quite clear which way is up. Philosophically speaking, I sometimes wish during all the days of my life that determining which way was up would be equally as easy.

Monday, January 28, 2019

Out and About on a Cold Winter Day, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

Once there was a fort on this 165' high hill before it was turned into a burial ground in the late 1600's. Downtown Plymouth is in the mid-distance, Plymouth Harbor beyond that.

The Pilgrims in 1620 laid out this street leading up the hill to downtown Plymouth. It is now named Leyden Street and claims to be the oldest still in continuous use from the English immigration of that era.

This is NOT from the Pilgrim era but, I like the street art anyway.

Low sun in mid-afternoon.

Most boats have been taken out of the water for the winter, shrink-wrapped in white plastic and, are waiting safely on land for spring to return. This is one of the very few still working. Brrrrr.

Friday, January 25, 2019

Before Dawn on the Pond, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

I had my regular point and shoot camera at hand this morning looking out the window before dawn  to capture a view of the ice when, out of the side of the pond appeared.....

......... the local red fox walking calmly across the ice looking for breakfast. My heart quickened - I haven't seen him since fall.

I quickly grabbed my older model point and shoot camera with a better zoom reach and was able to get these. Granted, it was through dirty, double-paned glass, before dawn, with a slow shutter speed and high ISO but, still, you get the idea.

It was thrilling for me to behold in real time.

He sat down for a couple minutes to survey his options. Not that I am a fox expert but, he looked pretty healthy to me.

But then, he saw something in the woods and was off in a flash.

Not to be outdone, the resident otter popped up through a remaining hole in the ice to look at the intruder. And it's not even dawn yet! This is sure a great way to begin a day!

Good old New England - one day it's 6 degrees F, a few days later it is 60 degrees F, the ice heaves and cracks like thunder in reaction to the changes. It rains 2 inches, the wind howls, gusting above 50mph and then the next day dawns clear, calm, and cold. It is hard to figure out the winter here.

I just love living where there is still a touch of nature to make me appreciate what an incredible world we live in and how fortunate I am to be alive in it with a roof over my head, clothes on my back, and food on the table.

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Open Mic Thursdays, Spire Center for Performing Arts, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

On Thursday nights in January and February this year, the Spire hosts "Open Mic Night" events at 7pm. All are welcome - sign-ups begin at 6pm - 1st come, 1st served - $5 admission  (free if you are a Gold Pass member and supporter) - cash bar - come out and perform in front of a kind and welcoming audience - each person gets 15 minutes to perform! These are real and regular people making real music, poetry, or readings live. It's pretty special. If you don't perform, come out and listen.  The performers enjoy your support.

"The Greater Plymouth Performing Arts Center, Inc. (GPPAC) is a nonprofit organization founded in 2010 and dedicated to performing arts and educational programs which support the vibrant arts community in the greater South Shore region. The organization founded The Spire, a venue to serve as a mecca for the arts and showcasing music, theatre and dance performances as well as education that supports the performing arts." (Source: Spire Website)

The three performers I have pictured here were just a few of the many talented people who came out to share their art on a recent Thursday evening.

If "Open Mic Night" isn't your style, the Spire also offers a full range of entertainment year-around. Visit their website at this link to learn more.

Support the performing arts in Plymouth or, wherever you live in this big, wide, wonderful world!

Friday, January 18, 2019

Random Scenes, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

It is late at night, it is cold, a bitter wind whistles down the main street of Plymouth. Even under these conditions, "America's Hometown" is still a special place to be.

Walking around the harbor front I was struck by how these tires have no tread but, also no signs of wear. I always thought tire bumpers on boats were just recycled car/truck tires but, after close inspection, I am now inclined to believe they are specialty manufactured for the purpose. Hmmm?

I haven't done a food post in a while so here's one: a vegan pizza with all kinds of yummy plant-based foods. And of course, no animals were harmed, slaughtered, or exploited in the process.

The broccoli sheriff always makes sure I include the green stuff.

And speaking of not exploiting animals, these turkeys wander freely and were partying down in the yard finding good bugs and things to eat since the ground was thawed for a few days. Life is good here in Manomet/Plymouth - even if you are a turkey - if I could just get them to stop pooping on the porch or sidewalk.

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

On the Waterfront, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

There is nothing like having a dog to get a person out and walking. In this case, along Plymouth's Long Beach at low tide with the approaching sunset.

A spectacular sky created great reflections in the Harbor.

Same image with a black and white interpretation.

Same image with a vertical format for you smartphone viewers.


Friday, January 11, 2019

New Rehearsal Hall, Priscilla Beach Theatre (PBT), Priscilla Beach, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

Just because the Priscilla Beach Theatre (PBT) campus is quiet and there are no active shows on the stage this time of year doesn't mean they aren't hard at work preparing for the upcoming season that begins in May.

PBT is creating their own separate Rehearsal Hall on campus!

In the image above, the final coat of wall paint has been applied, the storage cubbies beneath the perimeter bench are nearing completion, and the overhead and underneath lights are installed (all super efficient LEDs). The custom cubbies around the perimeter will afford actors and actresses space to store personal effects during rehearsals. Next, the clean-up and final flooring.

When complete, this new PBT Rehearsal Hall will be ready for actors and actresses to do their stuff! The floor space recreates the stage width dimension and most of the depth of their iconic PBT Barn Stage. The Barn Stage, a 240-seat venue, will soon begin its 82nd season and is cited as the oldest summer stock barn theatre still operating in America. The original barn was built in 1875. The current owners, Bob and Sandy Malone, completed a modernization and renovation effort in 2014-15 and also installed new seats and new state-of-the-art sound and lighting systems.

Flooring installation ongoing.......

Flooring installation completed. Within this new space, directors and casts will be able to rehearse production musical numbers and stage blocking in a right-sized space instead of relying on using the Barn Stage which may have other activities underway such as set building and/or preparation for another performance. (By the way, the faint vertical lines are a result of the panorama function built-in to my camera and become visible when used in this lighting and subject situation).

As an example, maybe PBT could have used the space to practice wonderful scenes like this one from last season's closing performance of, "Dames at Sea," produced by Bob and Sandy Malone and directed by Danny Bolton. Countless other extraordinary productions will benefit from this space in the future. It is just plain magic how great an audience experience PBT creates with their shows! I think having this onsite hall will only improve that already stellar quality. I have been following them for a few years now and have never been disappointed. Here's a link to recent past seasons of my blog posts.

In years long gone by, this wall-sized piece of art created by muralist Max Gorgal in the late 1960's or early 70's was formerly on display in this new rehearsal space.

The 2019 Performance Season begins in a little bit over 100 days on Friday, May 3rd, with the opening of "Life Could Be A Dream." Contact PBT online at this link or by phone at 508-224-4888 for tickets or more info.

The full season looks like this:

2019 PBT Barn Stage Productions - Adult Cast Series

"Life Could Be A Dream" in May,
"Heathers the Musical" in June,
"Hairspray" in July,
"Dirty Rotten Scoundrels" in August,
"[Title of Show]" in September,
"Young Frankenstein" in October.

PBT also offers spring, summer, and fall workshops for children and has been educating children for more than 70 years. The spring performance of "Seussical Jr." will open in May. The rest of the season will be announced soon. Plan to come out and support our aspiring local youth.

We are so fortunate to have such an extraordinary performing arts venue right here in our local community. Your support and attendance is important to keep this resource thriving.

Looks more like early spring than early January! I wouldn't mind a little snow covering............

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Spire Center for Performing Arts, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

Perched at the top of Brewster Street in downtown Plymouth, stands the Spire Center for Performing Arts. In the distance is Plymouth Harbor, and beyond that is Cape Cod, and then about 3000+ miles of Atlantic Ocean to the coast of Spain and Portugal.

I especially enjoyed the end result of manipulating the image into this gritty black and white version.

"The Greater Plymouth Performing Arts Center, Inc. (GPPAC) is a nonprofit organization founded in 2010 and dedicated to performing arts and educational programs which support the vibrant arts community in the greater South Shore region. The organization founded The Spire, a venue to serve as a mecca for the arts and showcasing music, theatre and dance performances as well as education that supports the performing arts.

Tremendous acoustics, sightlines, and an architecturally beautiful interior are The Spire’s trademark. The 225-seat performance hall features superior acoustics, custom state of the art lighting and sound systems and original period architectural details offering patrons an exceptional performing arts experience." (Source: Spire website).

Monday, January 7, 2019

Winter on the Pond, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

Just because the leaves have fallen doesn't mean the New England winter is devoid of color - I just have to look with a bit more purpose - for example, the sky reflected in the water surface or, a bit of mossy grass at the edges.

Normally, this rafter of turkeys who often wander through the yard pays little or no attention to the resident flamingo but, .........

.....when they don't know I'm watching and listening, I sometimes see them commiserate over the lack of good food in winter.  Ah nature, always a surprise.

Thursday, January 3, 2019

Long Shadows as Winter Begins, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

It's midday and this is how high the sun gets above the horizon. Every year I am amazed (memory problems?) that at 42 degrees north latitude this is about as high as it gets. No wonder the days are so short, the nights so long, and the cold so deep.

There is an eerie kind of beauty to it - to see the long shadows - to walk in the brisk cold - to feel the low sun on my face. I sometimes whine that I wish I lived in a warmer climate during the winters but, in 22+ years in New England, I haven't taken any action to make that happen other than short trips.

As the saying goes, "home is where the heart is," and, for good or ill, New England is my home and likely to remain so. I've spent more years here than any other place on the planet.

Not many birds come to the feeder now - cardinals, nuthatches, flickers, woodpeckers - most other regular visitors have migrated south for the winter. The resident otter still roams the pond feeding at will, occasionally popping up through holes in the ice and looking around. The deer and turkeys wander by looking for scarce food.

The blue book on the table is a National Geographic World Atlas. I've spent many hours over the years traveling the world in my mind looking at these pages. I sometimes wonder though, if travel is as important as many say it is.  Perhaps, like much of our society today, it's an idea foisted upon us by the airplane makers, and airline companies, and hotels, and tour bundlers, and the rest of the travel related industry to just sell us another product or service.  Maybe, methinks, I am just turning into a curmudgeonly old man.

Truly, everything I really need is usually right here at home or nearby. For most of the known history of humanity, life was lived locally. Considering the difficulty and unpleasantness of travel these days - traffic congestion on the highways, or traffic to get to the airport, security headaches, often long waiting lines, cramped oversold flights, questionable food, bodily system upsets, and so on. Kinda makes staying home a better alternative.

And anyway, another glorious New England spring is fewer than 80 days away!