A Favorite Post

Friday, October 19, 2018

"Dames at Sea," Dress Rehearsals, Part 3 of 4, Priscilla Beach Theatre, Priscilla Beach, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

This is Part 3 of a four-part series covering dress rehearsals of "Dames at Sea," produced by Bob and Sandy Malone at Priscilla Beach Theatre. This post covers Act 1 of the final dress rehearsal.

Part 1 is at this link.
Part 2 is at this link.

The following images were captured live during a dress rehearsal and are in order of occurrence in the show. Many images are similar since an individual performer may look better in one image than the other and some performers will use these images to share with family, friends, and/or to build their resumes.

(Click on an image for a higher resolution version if your device supports that action).

Part 4 is coming soon.

Part 1 is at this link.
Part 2 is at this link.

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