A Favorite Post

Thursday, October 25, 2018

A Fall Day to Wander About, Rose Kennedy Greenway, Boston, Massachusetts, USA

This adventure into the big city began at the bus stop on Exit 5 in Plymouth. An hour later, I emerged from the South Station Transportation Center onto the Rose Kennedy Greenway on a perfect, warmish, New England fall day in Boston.

This stunning art installation presents a great contrast with the adjacent buildings. And the red chairs are free for anyone who wants to sit a spell and enjoy the warm sun.

The artist of this work is Shara Hughes.  The entire urban parkland is overseen by the Rose Kennedy Greenway Conservancy.

The artist of this piece is Aakash Nihalani.

Consider the Rose Kennedy Greenway. It used to be that a multi-lane highway, both surface and elevated, raced through here dividing the city and making constant noise. Now, after burying the highway underground (the project was known locally as the "Big Dig") and replacing it with a surface park, it has brought a wonderful ambiance to this downtown area.

Using the Greenway as a focal point and compass, one can follow it for a mile or so, taking detours west or east to experience so many wonders and delights of downtown Boston: to name a few - the Harbor Walk, the North End, Faneuil Hall and Quincy Market, the Old State House, hundreds of shops and eateries, and the richness of the local culture.

The old Custom House rises majestically in this part of town. Completed in 1849, it cost about a million bucks back then.

The park fountains were still turned on when I made these images a couple weeks ago - the first frost was yet to arrive.

The white tents were part of a weekend crafts fair on the Greenway.

There is something special about fountains that always enrich public spaces and attract humans.

And at nearby Quincy Market, a public piano was a great magnet for musicians of any age.

The food court in Quincy Market was mobbed with hungry diners. "Gluten Free and Vegan" - even the Mexican eateries are getting into attracting the Vegan market. Yes, we are intending to take over the world! No more animal killing and factory farm related environmental degradation is hopefully the future for our planet.

And outside the market, live music and other entertainers keep the crowds happy. Being a performer in this area of town is a highly coveted and auditioned opportunity for creative folks : music, art, jugglers, and other performance artisans.

And speaking of markets, the nearby Haymarket was in full swing on this perfect day. It's been here almost 300 years in one form or another.

It was one of those days - some folks were dressed for winter.....

...and some still in t-shirts - but all looking for great deals on fresh healthy food.

Of course, young children seem immune to the chill in the air as long as they can frolic in the fountains - built for just that purpose.

As the clouds overtook the sky, I made a last stop at Fan Pier for this popular view point. I was on the way back to the bus station for the one hour ride/nap back to Plymouth Exit 5.

It was a perfect fall day in an extraordinary city when the richness and variety of the simple pleasures of city life are on display for enjoyment. A smorgasbord of life on hand at a modern vibrant American city - a city both new and old with a history stretching back to the beginnings of our nation.

Ah! Boston - always a pleasure to visit and wander about.

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